There is something very unspecial about turning 20. You have already used your right to vote in an election, and purchasing booze is still prohibited. But for me, I am especially grateful to no longer be called a teenager by my stepfather.
Gifts included a 50 dollar check from the grandparents, dinner and a movie with Honey, and 3 amazing books I can't wait to neglect textbooks with. The following day consisted of a kickass dinner courtesy of the many ladies of the house and the best tres leche cake I have ever consumed. I also earned a grand total of $43 at minimum wage over the course of the two days.
Between the happiness that surrounds me with family and "happy birthday" posts on my facebook from friends past, it was very enjoyable.
Winter Term of my junior year has commenced and I am very excited! Not only am I taking the next Organic Chem class, but I am also enrolled in women's studies, issues in sustainable agriculture, appreciation of Broadway musicals, and calving school!
Calving school is essentially a hands on course that explores the difficulties of calving and increases your knowledge of how/when to assist a cow in the process. This will be so far the most practical and useful class I have taken at Oregon State University. Plus it will put me in contact with more students who share similar interests, since that is an area in which I lack. I realize without socializing I am limiting my learning opportunities. Why do old folk always have to be right about this stuff? Huh?!
Plus I will most definitely rack up some vet shadow hours at work for my vet school requirements.
Oh and I got fired from my position at the vet school, however it was due to scheduling. Clearly the woman was a bitch otherwise she would have called instead of sent an email. It was a pretty lonely job without much contact with coworkers so I'm not too bothered by it.
Well back to learning it is!
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